Vision Loss Alliance of New Jersey this fall launched Living Independently for Tomorrow (LIFT), a virtual adaptive skills program for people adjusting to sight loss and their family members. LIFT is an online version of VLANJ’s effective in-person Essential Low Vision course, providing basic training in daily life activities.

Over four weeks, LIFT covers: cooking and kitchen safety; low-tech communications and simple solutions, including dialing a phone, medication identification and identifying bills and coins; education in lighting, contrast, optical aids, and basic assistive technologies; and an introduction to mobility and orientation by VLANJ’s mobility specialist. VLANJ also provides resources to participants.

Participants meet with VLANJ instructors over Zoom video conferencing for 90-minute sessions. They also can enroll in the nonprofit’s Beyond Sight wellness programs, such as Now and Zen Yoga and Fit and Balance. For more information, contact VLANJ Senior Program Manager Linda Groszew at